You may have heard of waterboarding, a coercive form of torture where water is poured over the mouth covered with a cloth. In a variant of this, the privatised water industry in the UK appear to engage in “shitboarding” in much the same way with nature, with cloth being replaced with soiled rags, and the water with, well, you know what.
It seems that the so called “Birmingham 2022’s Official Nature & Carbon Neutral Supporter” has been emboldened by this ludicrous bullshit title by aggressively attempting a PR propaganda exercise to fool the public. You can watch this 30 seconds of lying shite at the link below.
Severn Trent | It’s our water. Let’s do right by it TV ad – YouTube
Some thicko with a Birmingham accent reads out the clinically patronising script, talking as though “our water” matters to the likes of the multi million pound failure CEO Liv Garfield and co based in Coventry, when as we have seen first hand, “our water” is being polluted by their dirty sewage laden filth coming out of their failed network and sewage works on a regular basis, and over many years.
There are images of children drinking water and splashing in puddles, whilst the oldies drink cups of tea and take showers. Let’s juxtapose this with the CG22 area local reality of open water polluted with human faeces, like that which the poor birds in Smethwick have consumed and the combined sewer networks that spew floaters, johnnies, fanny gags, and god knows what else across the water lilies and pond skaters.
This then switches to lecturing us about looking after water and “doing our bit today” and ending with the catch line;
“let’s do right by it”.
Well, Severn Trent did not do right by cleaning up and paying for their disgusting pollution of Smethwick Hall Park, but instead shafted Sandwell council with a fake community fund trail.
In terms of the CG22, whoever appointed STW to the title should be shot, as they are either,
(a) Blissfully unaware of STW’s dire environmental record since they were first privatised (b) are a bent political/civil service entity taking money for favours granted (c) or just could not give a shit about what STW are doing locally by destroying rivers and open water with sewage pollution. THEY ARE NOT AND NEVER WILL BE “SUPPORTERS OF NATURE” WHEN THEY HAVE DEMONSTRATED THAT THEY CAUSE DEATH AND MISERY TO NATURE WITH THEIR POLLUTION.
Of course, it is probably the case the STW bought the title themselves by showering the pauper games with money they had earned off hard pressed water rate payers.
In terms of the Birmingham Commonwealth Games Organising Committee, a registered business, there are some statements made from the last corporate accounts which are interesting about their sponsors, and a list of “partner”, “supporter” and “provider” businesses are revealed. Obviously, this is just advertising space for those involved.
It is also interesting as an aside to see the involvement of the controversial law firm Gowling WLG whom the sandwell skidder has blogged about at length. The allegations of racism associated with their former entity are not a good look either in association with CG22, especially when criticism has been levelled about the “diversity” of the games themselves in the community. Are they the Games’ “diversity champions” or some other weird title? 😮
According to this organisations “strategic priorities”, they state that STW came on board in March 2021, but it does not state how this process came about or which body or individual engineered it. The buzz words of “sustainability” and “carbon neutrality” drip like vacuous fat from the page, and it is stated that STW will plant a given number of trees in the urban area. I’m not sure how they magically arrive at the symbolic figures apparently matching “carbon neutrality”- what a remarkable coincidence.
This absolute hypocrisy and “nature supporting” lies with tree planting and “carbon neutrality”- whatever the fuck this greenwashing really means.
One has to wonder how the 72 nations and their athletes including the glut of politicians, civil servants and has-been cocksucker commentators are being neutral when they all fly in on planes from across the world to converge for a two week event?
The aquatics centre itself in Sandwell and not Birmingham, ripped up a perfectly good park, dozens of trees and wildflowers and a habitat for wildlife to make way for a building in a residential area wrong place and with no direct rail or transport links.
Look around Oldbury and Sandwell and you will find scores of trees that have been ripped out to make way for housing developments, or are in that process such as the ones above off West Bromwich Street and the border of Roway Lane.
Severn Trent’s annual latest figures of profit can be read below, where they obviously shower themselves with money rather than shite.
Garfield also gushes about the CG22 tie in.
There are also semantic lies from STW, who aim to present pollution in their own framed way. In fact you could say that the only thing more dodgy than those dodgy Irish fellas who dress up in high vis jackets to visit old people’s homes claiming to be “from the water board”, is the real “water board themselves.
I showed the true scale of their dire record in this post, and the excellent Rivers Trust have also exposed how far their faecal trail runs.
Taken as all incidents of pollution, categories 1-3, Severn Trent are revealed here as a major water polluter, if not the greatest single water polluter in the region.
Between the years 2013-2020, they were responsible for
2013 29%,
2014 23%,
2015 20.7%,
2016 27.7%,
2017 27.9%,
2018 26.8%,
2019 28%,
2020 20.4%.
This reveals an average of 25.8% , over the 8 year period meaning that this water company, who claim to be promoting environmental efficacy for a clean water environment, are causing over a quarter of the pollution in our area! THIS IS A DISGRACE!
But there is more, as I have been looking at the newspaper archive again and the public were not happy with this polluter just ten years after privatisation.
It is also a fact that they appear to not like political criticism, as this piece from 1987 shows. This was the year in which Birmingham was bidding and hoping to win the Olympic Games of 1992, which of course ended in absolute failure. No doubt those calling for nationalisation of the industry again are also enemy combatants to these bloated liars. The point is at present, we cannot choose where “our water” comes from , and this is a purely politically driven obstacle.
Whatever, STW’s role is today, it tarnishes and stains the Commonwealth Games 2022, and so the whole games and its participants, as far as I am concerned are fair game for criticism, bile, and targeting for being associated with wildlife murdering and environmental polluting fucking scum.
I hope the games are a titanic disaster, by whatever means possible.

The iconic picture of Severn Trent Water’s sewage pollution impact at Smethwick Hall Park in 2019. NEVER FORGOTTEN, NEVER FORGIVEN.