Monthly Archives: November 2014

The lies of Sandwell council continue to unravel.

I have asked two freedom of information requests about the cull of geese which took place last year and this year. Another request also revealed a little more information. This week we have a response to another request. We learn … Continue reading

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Food for thought.

News this week of the return of a strain of bird flu to the UK should not really come as a surprise, and neither should the timing of the announcement, just in time for Christmas when sales will no doubt … Continue reading

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Release of geese on July 10th 2013 at ForgeMill lake- THE TRUTH PLEASE?

I was told a pack of lies by serial liar John Satchwell who arranged the cull of Canada geese on his park himself, as well as that on Dartmouth park where his son of the same name is project manager, but … Continue reading

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  We now know, according to evil Sandwell council that after being rounded up from their homes at Victoria park Tipton, and Dartmouth park West Bromwich, that the innocent Canada geese were taken to a promoted family tourist attraction at … Continue reading

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A “reply” by Adrian Bailey MP

So a reply to the email originally sent on  7th September (no reply), and then resent by letter to the MP for West Bromwich West which covers Victoria Park Tipton. I asked a number of questions of the two MPs, the other being Tom … Continue reading

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