There are two sets of supporters who have been bigging up these Commonwealth Games, and the obscene tax payer gravy train circus waste of money that it is. As usual it is that symbiotic rimming relationship between media outlets and the political class. For the last two years they have collectively attempted to coerce the public with fear and hoax. The reverse side of this coin is ludicrous euphoria in something which they claim “unites” people, from the area, presumably so that they will forget what a fucking shit hole it has been made by the aforementioned.

The reality story of Birmingham- Chapters written by litter strewn shit holes, peppered on the page with graffiti, and punctuated by the stabbings and shootings of ethnic gang violence.
Into this mix comes the third part of this axis of avarice in the form of corporate scum like Severn Trent Water. They all literally piss and shit in the same corrupt pot.
The scheme to include a run down area of Sandwell into Birmingham’s Commonwealth Games spotlight- an oxymoron if ever there was one, was instantly championed by those at Sandwell Council using the device of local pride. They promised a “world class sporting centre” in Smethwick, but most people do not want such a thing, they just want something accessible, which this swimming baths will not be to the public for another year at least.
Juxtaposed with this event was the pollution of Smethwick Hall Park by the privatised water company. Their denials, and outright lies were not corrected by the likes of The Express and Star, and weak political figures in the council failed to ever criticise STW publicly, or threaten or instruct legal action. STW further made SMBC look like fucking idiots by sending their officers on a wild grant application con job, to which they never had any intention of giving the piss poor authority a penny. SMBC then had to save some face by undertaking a bodge job decanting of some of the raw shite, which only saw it layered into a newly dug latrine off Margaret Gardens. Throughout this, SMBC failed to communicate the risk to the public and called the operation “mud” moving.
The distance between these two pools is around 400 metres, as the Bing image shown below illustrates.
Petitions were organised and delivered, and we even paid a visit to the Coventry Crapsters lair itself. But little in terms of accountability has been shown in the run up to the inflated sporting event which Severn Trent Water shamelessly promote themselves as “sponsors for nature and climate change”
The Pollution Protest Tour
At the baton relay, we made our presence known by unfurling a banner showing STW for what they are, which is wildlife killers and environmental terrorists. Pathetic security and even some council officers attempted to stand in front of this banner to block out the words, but their attempts failed , as the picture below demonstrates.
We protested with others outside at Council meetings, but again virtually nothing was said by those with the power at the council. Swanderwoman decided to take Gooseman’s goosemobile, and even customised it with leaflets.
The makeshift display stand raised a few eyebrows for sure.
There was even time for a swift half with some of the locals.
And then to the aquatics centre. The old council logos are good for doctoring with a deserted ship sailing in a sea of dirty crap. Don’t forget the nuggets of sweet corn and carrot.
Leaflets were delivered house to house, and even to a few idiots waiting to go in to the building- obviously not much of a cost of living crisis for them if they can afford to spectate this garbage and the associated service station/London food prices etc.
We then got our collars felt by plod, after being alerted by one of the fluorescent clad army of twats marshalling the closed off road. We refused to give our names to this line of poo-ty, having done nothing wrong or illegal at all, except of cause telling the truth about the scum sponsors of the games and continued our mission, leaving the armed plod, apparently from Derbyshire with a leaflet.
Next, the scene of the grime at Stony Lane, where Severn Trent have failed to rectify their faecal assault. Gooseman unfurled the banner, and an explanation of events can be seen in the youtube video below. Please watch.
The Alexandra Stadium home of the athletics events is being held up by scaffold away from the cameras, as has already been noted, but the message of the leaflet was also communicated there. Once again, the cost of plod and those involved at this event must be astronomical.
On the lake, there is some evidence of goose feathers around the fenced off area where the pyrotechnics were let off during the opening ceremony. I would imagine the event will be repeated at the closing ceremony, and wonder if any of these rockets killed any birds that night?
And so to the final part of the relay protest, a road trip down the 42 to crapster Central- St John’s Street Coventry, and the lair of the polluting shits themselves.
We decided to target them up the rear, delivering a Barnes Wallis banner statement against the façade of their greed and avarice.
Once again, swanderwoman was on hand , and had picked up the weight watchers version of bully off bullseye- the mascot of the sewer games.
Around the front, it was pretty deserted, and we contemplated going inside. The garbage association with these games is plain to see on the entrance.
As for the mascot itself, the turd medal certainly goes to Perry and Birmingham itself. If the organisers of these games associate themselves with such a vile proven polluter, the “legacy” of these games will be that they were happy to look the other way whilst the environment perished and wildlife died at the hands of the sponsors incompetence and corporate greed. The liars of the media will spin their story, as the filth from the political class tell them to, but the real truth will always be known by those who lived through these times, and it will never be silenced.